Wolf Maidens Greeting

I am a young woman, whom lives, treks, dances and sings with pure wolves. Due to where I live not only do I have the opportunity to have viewed, studied, and experienced living, surrounded by wild born wolves, right on my own land even! But I have also forged a friendship with some captive born pure wolves at my licensed wolf outreach and eco education center in Northern Canada. They have been but one teacher in my life, and I have humbly grown over time with them. It consists of various journeys with various wildlife, and pure wolves as they be, and all their glory. Nothing is ever as great as viewing the wild in the wild, such moments never fail to bring me to my knees in awe, wonder and humble honor. To meet another sentient being on their own hallowed grounds where they belong, brings tears to my eyes. I have an undying love affair and romance with the greatest show on earth...LIFE! and wish to say Namaste' to all fellow earth aliens :0) I hope you feel most welcome here and come back to visit from time to time, perhaps leave your own thoughts and mark to remember you by. It seems that so many are in a hurry these days, and don't just sit back enough and simply BE, I provide a lot of music choices here (Just scroll through them if yee like ) I hope you enjoy your stay no matter how long. I LOVE to meet people and hear their own story. I do feel with my every being, that every morning the sun rises to refresh our souls, and every sunset is honored as a gift, for we are not granted a tomorrow. I have the now to share, and hope you catch the same wild disease. Remember in the words of Dr. Seuss Be who you are, say what you feel, because those who mind dont matter, and those who matter don't mind.

Be Most Welcome Here

Be Most Welcome Here
Please enjoy your visit! My user name is skynymph http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nymph

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Kenton Carnegie Inquest

Namaste' fellow earth aliens! That time of year Again, wow!...where does it go. ? Recently my wolf article was placed in the WRSOS's newsletter, however it was shortened due to length restrictions and the sensitivity of the subject is understandable. SO I am going to place the article in it's entirty on my blog for you all to read if yee like. I hope this finds everyone full of life, humbleness, with a touch of wild! Hey you gotta spark and stand apart from the lemmings once in awhile

Eco Soul Journey is growing like the lil bad weed she is, she is currently living with dharma and legend and having a ball romping around in the very deep snow we have up here. Legend and Dharma treat Eco like their puppy, it is quite hilarious to see whenever the adults get into a disagreement/spat how Eco goes into clown puppy mode, to break up the tension between the adults. You can see updated pics taken of her right up till first snow fall here on her page http://www.wolfechovalley.com/eco.html

t here is a few to tease you with. She was born the beginning of May o7' and is an arctic wolf

. The following as a disclaimer is MY opinion (you know what they say about those right? ) based on my own expertise having lived with and studied both wild and captive wolves for many years. I do not sugarcoat this type of animal, but neither do I subscribe to the antichrist theories. I do offer my sincere sympathies to Kentons family and friends, as well as prayers for any wild animals adversely affected by this tragedy.

Little Red Riding Hoods Posse' Misunderstood
With the recent findings at the Kenton Carnegie inquest the young man killed in Points North Landing, I thought to write an article on this highly misunderstood wild canid. For I honestly feel the TRUE lessons to this sad story have become lost in the push and pull dance of various sides. I am not here to judge those sides.

Somewhere in the entire muddle, the real reasons as to why this occurred have become lost.
I also think dear Kenton is looking down on all of this turmoil and shaking his head sadly. I highly doubt a young man working in such a beautiful country and province, as Northern Saskatchewan did not have an amazing awe and respect of that which he found himself surrounded by.

I have worked intimately with captive wild wolves for years now. (Licensed at 19) I operate an educational licensed wolf outreach and eco conservation center, and over the years their friendship has taught me a lot, they have shown me the only experts are the animals themselves. Their lessons have been invaluable and I have truly come to learn that to understand the wolf in depth, in all it’s many complexities, we also need to understand ourselves a bit better. This may also mean seeing things we may not like about ourselves.

If one is not 100% honest with who they are in working with captive wildlife, the animals themselves will FORCE you to GET honest VERY quickly.

When the word wolf is mentioned, many images and comments may be evoked, and spoken depending on the person asked. Some may say a ruthless predator, built only to kill without feeling, or thought. Tales have been told round the campfire of night stalkers just waiting for their opportunity to grab a loved one away, generation after generation of child going to bed having been told tales of Peter and the Wolf, and little Red Riding Hood, two of the best known wolf stories. This instills fear in the young’s mind before they are even given an opportunity to understand, and learn what this amazing creature is truly all about, and what they are not.

It seems some may either demonize this creature, or sugar coat what they are. Neither mentality helps the REAL wolf

Although my captive wolves have never known the wild, a wolf is still a wolf, captivity does not change that. They are not dogs. I feel I can offer some insight and professional opinion on the Points Landing incident. I am sure I will say some thing that some will disagree with, but then again should I expect anything different from people that have never actually lived with wolves, AND worked on behalf of the wild wolf in a completely unbias was.
Misunderstanding and fear of anything unknown can create mythological perceptions and misconceptions of just what a wolf is, for what people misunderstand they fear, what they fear they may hate, what they may hate, they may wish to exterminate and unfortunately extinction is forever.
This case occurred in Mother Natures court, and tried in a humans courtroom. Humans are often prone to err in judgement.

I have observed not only captive wolf behavior for years, but also wild wolf behavior through my own intimate encounters with them on my many outdoor excursions into the wild. (All good encounters.) I have witnessed wolves fondness with each other as family members, how strongly bonded they are to each other, I have watched them play and test each other, I have watched how they work together to survive. I have also seen when another member of their family dies how they also mourn.

Since the beginning of time people have killed other people for nothing other than greed, anger, passion and a host of other reasons. Is the entire human race to be anhilated due to the conscious and unfathomable act of some other human? There have been quite a few maulings/killings of humans by bears over the years, astronomically so compared to ANY wolf attack, so are all the bears to pay the price and be exterminated?

Wolves are what they are, they are surviving or trying to, like any other sentient being. The difference between them, and *us* as a species of animal, is that they do not commit vicious acts based on any ego emotions. When a wild animal deviates from it's known natural behaviors there are always reasons as to *why*

I do not have a child as yet but I can say this with 100% unbias honesty if I did, and they were attacked and killed by *any wild* animal while outdoors, I would NOT and I cannot even stress that word enough, want the species as a whole to be persecuted, period. How I view life is from a perspective of COMPLETE utter respect and honor to *life*. These are MY beliefs. I would be THE first person to stand up publically to urge the public to not be fearful, to not go after such an animal either, for they be what they simply be.

I often have people contact me about wild animals they may find that are injured or they appear weak (lack of food sources, especially true during our long cold winters) and they proceed to tell me they have been feeding the local wildlife, that even foxes and coyotes have been coming right into their yard sites, and practically eating out of their hands. Although I understand another’s need to feel connected to wildlife, and assist it if it appears in distress, (I even have people tell me how proud they are, they were able to save a life, ) what they don’t realize is that often times that need and that pull we feel to help, without the proper knowledge on how to do so, can make a bad situation worse. I wish to encourage people getting involved and becoming wildlife and eco warriors, but there are right and wrong ways to accomplish this. Not to mention safer for both human and wild animal.

If you come upon injured wildlife please call the local fish and wildlife branch, or wrsos
http://www.wrsos.org/ or contact me and I will put you in contact with the right people to help. My main site is www.wolfechovalley.com

The Points North Landing incident bought home to the forefront the very real reality of garbage disposal, and dumpsites where wild animals have easy access and even begin to rely on such resources, and what makes such plentiful bounty to these anticipating wild animals? …HUMANS DO.

This creates new generations (offspring) of wild animals being taught the same thing, after awhile the wild animal(s) begin to lose their fear, coupled with the association of us with food, and this can become potentially dangerous. Typically and sadly the wild animals will be the true ones to suffer in the end as they are shot for causing conflict. Wild animals even those whom appear to be friendly, and docile as they come to eat out of your hands, are still*wild, * and intact with all that makes them what they are… wild, not tame animals or pets. There are many places throughout the province where dumpsites are not protected from wild animal infiltration. I had a family one day while up on one of my own wild excursions, stop and ask me where the dumpsite was that bears could be seen feeding out in the open (in OUR Province.) This is appalling!

It is not good enough to simply put up a fence around areas where wildlife is unwanted, wolves are MASTER diggers and jumpers (wolves can leap straight up into the air 8 feet high from a complete stand still! picture tigger from winnie the pooh) So the fencing that goes up around a dumpsite requires dig proofing (fencing) of at least four feet into the ground (can use concrete,) and if possible using hotwire.

The inquest should not have been about who done it, and the mass hysteria that followed, Instead the focus should be about education, that when we are in wild country to always be alert and aware of every single sight, smell and thing we hear, many lose their guard when out in nature. What happened to Kenton should not be about wolf or bear but about how to stay safe period, from ALL the wild potential dangers including wolves, and not be lulled into any false sense of security when out in such a beautiful country. For within the beauty lies reality at it's perfection, and at it's darkness and potential dangers.

I don’t want what happened to Kenton to leave a legacy of fear, or terror of being out in the woods, I feel there are lessons to all stories, including the tragic ones, but we must remain completely open and honest in order to see them accurately, and without any self-created tunnel vision.

Wolves are in general very shy, yet curious animals. Like most wild animals wolves typically try to avoid coming in contact with humans. Whenever a wild animal starts to lose its fear of people however through habituation they may be more prone to approach humans, human homes, and camping spots. Wolves that are fed by humans either directly, or indirectly through tossing garbage around areas humans frequent, they are habituating the animals, and the wolves will then associate food with people. This may precipitate an attack on humans, by an otherwise naturally shy creature.

I live in the country, literally in the middle of a very large forest where bear, wild wolves, and other large predators cross through on natural routes. Whenever I am out in the bush I am always aware of everything around me at all times, I use my ears, eyes, and even smell.

The following are a few tips to help avoid such situations from happening.
1) PLEASE do NOT litter! Throw all garbage into cans with secure lids. Growing up one of my favorite characters on T.V was an Owl and his slogan of "Give A Hoot Don't Pollute!"
2) Do NOT feed wild wolves or any other wild animals, even feeding deer can attract wild wolves to your home, as the wolves will follow their prey (food). Many people are not aware that even wild fox can become extremely aggressive if fed people food, quite a few fox in our National Park get relocated due to getting TOO familiar with human food.
3) Leave no pet food outside!!! I hear MANY stories by other ranching neighbors how they had to shoot a raccoon due to it getting into the cat and dog food that was left out, that the animal had become aggressive. This is unfair; it is almost like setting animals up and taunting them to take the pet food.
4) Do not allow pets (cats or dogs) to be unattended while outdoors, they are easy prey for wild wolves. If you are not with your dog keep them in a secure pen where they cannot escape to harass wildlife, or draw wildlife like wild wolves and bears to your doorstep. There are many acreage dogs and cats that go missing around here, due to them being allowed to roam freely.
5) Install motion sensor lights, it may act as a deterrent to scare any wild animals away.
I have done a ton of camping over the years; these were all tips we used as a mantra when in the great outdoors. I learned the following rules from the time I was a young child.

(view taken from my kayak on anglin lake)

When Camping Or Simply Out For An Outdoor Wild Adventure:

  • Place any garbage in bear sealed containers, do not have food lying around your campsite and NEVER in your tent. MANY campsites up north here provide not only bear sealed containers, but also platforms built up in the trees, a ladder is provided for campers to use to climb up onto the platform to place sealed containers. Then one simply moves the ladder away when not needed on site, or when walking away from camp for a while.
  • Cook, wash dishes and store any food items away from your sleeping quarters
    Suspend any food items, toiletries like toothpaste, and shampoos,and any garbage in camping bags with attached ropes to hang out high from tree branches. Wolves can leap 8 feet straight up into the air so I recommend the bags suspended quite high.
  • If bringing your dog(s) along camping, but be sure to keep pets close at all times, do NOT allow pets to roam around free unleashed. Wolves are territorial creatures and will kill any dogs they come across, especially if harassed. The dog may also lead any angry wolves straight back to you and your tent.
  • When out on a trek, we have always clapped our hands saying something along the lines of "hear bear bear bear" *for noise* we also will bang sticks, or just chat to alert any animals we are in the area. There are also bear bells one can ring when out walking, or place on bikes when riding to help alert any wildlife.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings when out in nature, look for signs of bears *scat, clawed up (marked) trees and logs, animal prints, various animal sounds. The photo I took below while on an excursion shows various prints including bear recently being there.. Listen, Look, and BE AWARE at all times, have fun but keep in mind you are in someone else' backyard, and it is a wild one. AWA recommends buying some track/signs of wild animal books, to accompany you on any outdoor excursion.
  • Photographers, If you are out to try and capture the beauty of wild animals through the lenses, please keep in mind to follow *wild wisdom* rules, keep your distance from ANY wild animal, do not chase after, or try and get a CLOSER shot. Wild animals whom feel threatened, may suddenly decide you are infringing on their territory and react out of fear, which can readily turn to fear aggression, resulting in an attack. Depending on the time of year (breeding season) wild animals go through a natural form of seasonal aggression, this can make already a potentially dangerous wild animal even MORE so. What we may view as an appreciation of nature and wildlife through trying to photograph them, and or view them in their natural habitat, could easily result in unintentioned harassment to the animals. Please respect all wildlife by observing such, on THEIR terms.
  • Avoid wearing and washing/conditiong your hair with sweet smelling scents, women especially love to smell *fruity* but bears have amazing sniffers and may sniff YOU out!
  • Be Aware when you eat something not to leave behind remnants of that meal, or any packaging from that food. Smells of food (even from a wrapper) can draw in a variety of wild animals, which is another good reason to not eat on the go. Some people like to hike and munch granola bars at the same time, you are leaving behind crumbs as you eat and walk much like hansel and gretel, which could entice an animal to follow your tracks!

    (Pic taken by Sky on an outdoor adventure. Note there are recent bear tracks)

    How Can I Help The Wild Wolf?

    There are various ways human beings can help protect the future well-being and survival of wild wolves. Play YOUR part in the wild wisdom!

    1) Educational Talk: Talk about wolves at your school, and encourage others to learn more. Better yet if there is a wolf facility in your Province tell you teacher and friends about them. Maybe a professional wolf educator can come to your school to give a talk. There are even some places that bring in a socialized live wolf! Talk about a real interactive report! What about choosing the wolf as your wild animal of choice when it comes to writing your next book report.
    2) Organize a Fundraiser: Donate the proceeds made to a wolf facility that teaches the public about wolves. This could be as simple as selling lemonade, bake sale, bingo night or camp out at your school. Get inventive. Get involved.
    3) Listen To And Be Aware Of: news reports concerning wildlife and environmental issues. Be pro-active and contact the locals new stations and news papers yourself to request what you would like to see talked about.
    4) Become a member/supporter of an environmental organization: That helps to promote and foster wild wolf education/protection/conserving habitat the following are excellent.

    Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
    The Sierra Club
    The Rain Coast Conservation Foundation
    David Suzuki Foundation
    Defenders Of Wildlife
    Canadian Wildlife Federation
    World Wildlife Fund

    5) The 3 R’s: Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. The more humans put into practice these three very important R ‘s, the less we use up the earths dwindling resources. This is good for all on the planet, including wildlife and their homes (habitats.)

    6) Preserve Wild Lands: That wolves require to survive, or support organization that do such as WWF. As more trees are cut down, for various reasons, more wolves and other wild things get chased out and lose their homes (displaced) If you are the owner of some wild land or know someone who is, and wish to always keep it safe, perhaps consider contacting a preservation trust to have a conservation easement placed on the land, so that even long after the land is no longer in your stewardship, no one can log or destroy it. Some suggestions are:


    The following In Saskatchewan:
    Ducks Unlimited Canada 1-306-569-0424
    Home Place Conservancy of Saskatchewan Inc. 1–306- 586-9268
    Meewasin Valley Authority 1-306-665-6887
    Nature Conservancy of Canada 1-866-622-7275
    Nature Saskatchewan 1-306-780-9273
    Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 1-306-691-2854
    Saskatchewan Archeological Society 1-306-664-4124
    Sask. Environment 1-306-787-2314
    Sask. Parks and Recreation Association 1-306-780-9262
    Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation 1-306-787-0726
    Sask. Wildlife Federation 1-306-692-8812
    Wakamow Valley Authority 1-306-692-2717

    7) Write letters and articles: There are various places one can write letters and send in articles to, such as nature magazines, local newspapers, and even online! Get inventive and creative.

    8) Learn more about wolves and talk to others you know about wolves, and all you have learned. There are even wolf conferences held around the world to help keep anyone who is interested informed on the plight of the wild wolf. If there are any local wolf centers, support them and visit them, to learn up close and in person about these highly misunderstood animals.
    9) Become a volunteer! Maybe there are some environmental or wildlife org’s you can volunteer for. Good place to start is with the local zoo, and with WRSOS.
    10) Vote: When you are old enough to vote, vote for those who care about the environment / habitat and wildlife protection.
    11) Ecological Footprint: Be aware and responsible for your choices on a daily basis, and how these choices may impact the environment for either the better or worse. Buy more raw foods in bulk to cut back on heavily and overly packaged smaller items. When shopping bring a collection of your own cloth shopping bags, to reduce the unnecessary wastage in the landfills plastic bags create. Ride your bike as much as possible. If living in the cit try using your bike to bike to work, or partnering up with a co-worker. Turn off lights, radios, and TV’s when not in use, take showers more often, and stop using the dishwasher. When out in nature please don’t litter, you are in someone else’s back yard please treat it with respect and leave only your own prints to tell a tale.

( Northern Lights Legend has a Message)


Anonymous said...

I do believe that Kenton is looking down and shaking his head sadly for he is no longer here to achieve his hopes and dreams. Instead he was subjected to a cruel and horrific death which left his family and friends to suffer in their grief. I am certain that he is not in awe of the predators that took his life, but disappointed in the controversy that surrounded his death.

I have reviewed all materials related to his death and spoken at great length to wildlife experts and I am certain that Kenton was stalked and killed by wolves. He was a healthy young man and his death was a direct result of injuries sustained as a result of this attack.

You have suggested that I was driven by my grief to prove it was one kind of animal in my refusal to believe it was any other. However, I was driven by the love for my son to ensure that his death did not become a lie and that the truth was recognized. The only reason any controversy even existed was because a wolf conservationist was hired to investigate his death based on his expertise with wolves. Instead Paul Paquet used this opportunity to distort the facts in order to protect his lifelong work and passion for wolves. In fact he abused his role in the investigation by sharing his conclusion long before the inquest was held. He was certain that he would convince the public that a bear was indeed responsible for Kenton’s death, rather than appreciate that he might actually tarnish his reputation by embellishing the facts. Paul Paquet behaved neither professionally nor responsibly in his contributions to this investigation.

While your article is well balanced and takes many viewpoints into consideration, you still have difficulty in accepting that wolves could have been responsible. The fact that you extend your sympathies to all parties in this tragedy including the wild animals would have me question your sincerity. Your passion for the wolves has allowed you to place as much value in their lives as you would in a human life. Perhaps this was easy for you because you did not know Kenton. I lost my son, my children lost their brother, my parents lost their grandson, his relatives lost a cousin and nephew and many lost a loyal friend. Our lives have forever changed as we struggle to move forward and come to terms with his death.

I think it is important that you have acknowledged the issue of garbage disposal and habituated wolves because these are key factors in this tragedy. I also agree with your comments about the danger of wild animals and the importance of safety. However, it should be noted that Kenton was a university student placed in an isolated environment in order to complete his work term. He was working at Points North as a geophysicist. He was not familiar with his surroundings nor was he familiar with the behaviour of the wildlife in this area. I have concerns about who should have been responsible for ensuring my son’s safety while he was placed in this location to conduct his job. Who should have provided appropriate training to allow new employees to work in this type of environment; the university, his employer, staff at Points North or Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management?

I would suggest that SERM should have been the most knowledgeable and the most likely candidate as they are responsible for the management of both the landfills and wildlife. They should have been aware of the potential dangers of open landfills and habituated wildlife considering previous incidents involving the same combination. Fred Desjarlais was attacked by a habituated wolf less than a year before Kenton and fortunately survived the ordeal. I am not sure why this event did not force the Saskatchewan government to give serious consideration to the safety of employees working in the north. It saddens me to realize that it took my son’s death to draw the much needed attention to this issue and I certainly hope that this province has learned a great deal and works hard to prevent a similar tragedy from occurring in the future.

Lori Carnegie

Anonymous said...

Namaste' Lori I approved your comment, and wish to thank you humbly. I believe you do have me wrong however in some aspects, it is not my duty to state publically on my site what I *honestly* feel killed Kenton, but it was my duty to still create some sort of balance other than that wolves 100% absolutely did the deed.

You are correct about Freds attack being a wake up call,(that wolf was injured and starving BTW which can lead to an animal acting out and deviating from *natural* behaviors) and humans throughout history have done some HORRIBLE heinous things in the name of survival themselves. I have many documented factual stories to make people's hair stand on end, so who is to judge that?

It was not proven that wolf was habituated, and I am aware of other situations over the years that have occurred up north due to various reasons, in fact I saw this coming someday, it is not however only Sask. with these same issues.

The wild and how I live in the wild is my life,these animals and knowing all there is to know ecology wise about them is a HUGE part of my life, and Paul is a friend, so cannot comment on your own opinions of that.

BUT I also am ****NOT**** even *remotely* colored by what wolves are NOR their potential and capabilities.(In fact I have had some people get mad at me who LOVE wolves too) I KNOW all too well about that which I speak when I say that too without going into details publically. The fact I have extended sympathies to all parties is the way of my belief system *buddhist.* I had to sit and listen to all the good ol boys out there say things like, "the only good wolf is a dead wolf." scenario, how wonderfully intelligent,(not.)

Some of those wild life experts BTW have their own colored views on wolves. I am well aware of which experts you consulted with. I live close to where the inquisition was held. Truth is not what we feel,think, even see necessarily, truth is beyond human ego and this case had ego involved to some degree of various emotions,this can only blur truth.

Emotions ALWAYS alter essential truth.

I KNOW what grief can do Mrs Carnegie, thus regardless of your belief still do not fault you for that belief. In fact I read all you family's own comments and such *lurked* on the dedication site to kenton months ago to see more into his and YOUR world and grief, so I did not speak once more from ignorance either.

I actually lit candles here in my nightly prayers for you and your family, and for kenton in his honor.

I KNOW it was not a way anyone would wish to leave this earth. I KNOW cause I know what it is like to feel you are going to die that same way. One day I will write about that.

I also lit candles however for all wildlife that pays the price for humans meddling/destruction of habitat/demonization/crucification/and what humans help to create only to turn around and blame the animal for being what it is.

I do not feel no way no how humans are rulers of this planet Mrs Carnegie that we have the *right* to say what belongs on this planet and what does not.

You still have lost my point, you state you were not driven by your grief to prove something but your reasons were so *lies* were not covered up, did drive you. The facts are that regardless of what it was there are certain rules to follow in nature and when out in it.

The facts that an animal was targeted *right from the start* before an investigation had *thoroughly* begun, spoke to me in spades that it was going to be a witch hunt of sorts, and it became just that.

As far as SERM? You would be suprised about SERM's lack of knowledge when it comes to many a thing wild Lori, as I have stated ignorance abounds and that does not matter what kind of degree one may hold. I know Kenton is walking with you all still.Metta.


myonlyphoto said...

Wow what a adventure you have, still amazed with the photography. I will be back. Anna :)

Anonymous said...

I never indicated that it was your duty to state what you believe happened to Kenton, but I do believe you do not feel that the wolves were responsible. Once again I feel that your passion for these predators will not allow you to accept that they did in fact kill my son. This is evident in your reference to the “witch hunt”. There is no question that Kenton’s death was the result of this predacious attack.

I hope that you remain safe as you seek harmony in nature. I hope you draw on your near death experience and grief to better understand my pain so that you may be truly empathic for my loss.

Lori Carnegie